7 Plumbing Tools You Must Know- The Ultimate Guide

It is impossible for you to be a Plumbing and electrical Doctor if you don’t have the necessary plumbing and electrical tools. With appropriate plumbing tools, your customers will be able to get long-lasting solutions. In addition, having your plumbing tools is vital as you will be able to address plumbing emergencies. Having basic knowledge about plumbing tools and how the tools work is also important.  In this regard, the following are plumbing tools you must know:
  • Adjustable Wrench

An adjustable wrench known as a Crescent wrench is often used to remove shutoff valves and compression nuts. The wrench has a smooth surface that doesn’t spoil pipe surfaces. You should pick a top-quality adjustable wrench as it is long-lasting, unlike the cheaper versions.
  • Drain Auger

A drain auger, also called a drain snake, has a long coiled metal cable. The cable is attached to a circular drum which rotates to force the cable to break up the clogs.
  • Pipe Wrench

A pipe wrench is a necessary tool when it comes to working with steel pipes. Fittings such as the pressure regulators need the pipe wrench to unscrew them. In addition, you can use a pipe wrench to remove clean-out fittings from a significant drain, such as sewer clean-out.
  • Junior Hacksaw

This tool is a smaller version of the hacksaw. Junior hacksaw is commonly used when a plumber wants to work under narrow spaces such as the sink.
  • Pliers
For you to perform an excellent plumbing job, you will need pliers in your toolkit. A plier is commonly used for tightening or loosening small nuts, especially where the wrench is a bit big to fit. The two types of pliers used in plumbing include vise grip pliers and split joint pliers.
  • The split joint pliers usually fit into the hand and are commonly by professional plumbers.
  • Vise grip pliers are used to hold pipes in place, courtesy of a locking system.
  • Plunger
Clogged pipes are one of the problems you might face as a plumber making a plunger the most popular plumbing tool. A plunger is generally used to open clogged drains. The three types of plungers that are commonly used are cup plungers, Flange plungers and Accordion plungers.
  • Cup plungers, also known as sink plungers, are usually used on flat surfaces. They create negative while pulling and positive pressure while pushing.
  • Flange Plungers are commonly used to unblock toilets and can fit any sink.
  • Accordion plungers are generally hard plastic which is a bit complex to use.
  • Propane Torch
Used for melting solder while joining fittings and copper pipes. The torch is an alternative to the open flame.

The Final Word

Plumbing tools are essential in the completion of various plumbing tasks. With plumbing tools in your toolkit, you will be able to answer emergency plumbing cases quickly. Also, by having appropriate plumbing tools, your customers will get long-lasting solutions hence having a good reputation.  Finally, when sorting for plumbing tools to use, always pick the top quality ones. Top-quality plumbing tools will give you a long-lasting service, unlike cheap versions.